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The CSR Tutorials are practical guides for resource providers who want to use CSR portal to register their resource to GEOSS community. They address how to manage user account, register resource into CSR and search resource from CSR.

The CSR Tutorials primarily describe features in CSR Version 3.2.

User Account Management

CSR user account is required before registering your resource into CSR. The section introduce how to register, udpate and retrieve CSR user account.

Resource Registration

CSR provides a comprehensive interface to enable resource provider registering their resource into CSR.

Resource Discovery

CSR provides resource searching interface to enable users discove all CSR registered resources.

Resource Management

Resource Approval

Create a new account

  • Visit CSR home page at
  • Click the [Continue] button, as the following figure shows
  • In the user registration page, fill out the forms and click the [Register] button, as the following figure shows
  • For more information about GEO Affiliation, please visit GEO-Member Webpage

Update user account

  • Visit CSR home page at
  • Use your username and password to sign in, the page directed to GEOSS Registry Publication Portal.
  • Click the [User Account Management] link, which allows you to change your account information.
  • In the directed page, click the link [Modify Account Information].
  • Update the information about your account, then click [Modify] button to submit. Please note that the password is required to modify your account information.

Retrieve username

  • Visit CSR home page at
  • Click the link [Forgot your user name or password?], which direct you to username and password retrieval page, as the following figure shows
  • Enter your registered email address in the "Retrieve User Name" area, and then click [Submit] button. An email with username information will be sent to you email account.

Retrieve password

  • Visit CSR home page at
  • Click the link [Forgot your user name or password?], which direct you to username and password retrieval page, as the above figure shows.
  • Provide your username or registered email address, and click the [Submit] button. An email with password rest information will be sent to you email account.

Resource Category

The following table list all CSR categories and its description and method of detection.

Category Name Category Description Method of Detection
1. Datasets Description of individual or collection datasets. The description includes: title, organization, description of the dataset, access protocol and URL, access conditions, and other basic properties including tags (e.g. GEOSSDataCORE). Metadata for a terminal data resource accessible by RESTful URI, references a single EO data object (e.g. image file, KML, .zip) or is classified as a data resource. Detect based on file suffix, but also all CSR Components flagged as "Data set or Database" and GCMD "Data Sets" or "Data Presentation Form: Online Files", "Data Resolution" section present. DSTF tags are also associated with Dataset resources. These are found by search on AnyText in CSW for the strings: GEOSSDataCORE, GEOSSAttriibution, and GEOSSNoMonetaryCharge
2. Monitoring and Observation Systems Description and links to: Detection and surveillance systems, in situ and satellite based monitoring systems, Disaster response systems, etc Tagged in CSR as components with "Observing System or Sensor Network" found as CSR string: observingSystemOrSensorNetwork
3. Computational Models Component process models, social and economic models, land surface models, atmospheric chemistry models, hydrologic and terrestrial water cycle models, etc GCMD "Models" CSR "Computational model" or CSR string computationalModel
4. Initiatives International, national, and regional initiatives and programmes. Tagged in CSR Components as "Initiative or Programme" or CSR string initiativeOrProgramme
5. Websites and documents Documents, websites, identification/classification systems, bibliographic, subscription services, digital/virtual reference desks, education and training resources, courses, includes former capacity building material Metadata for a non-data object on the Web (file suffix as HTML, PDF, docs). GCMD "Data Presentation Form: document" CSR: "Exchange and Dissemination System, Portal or Website" or CSR string exchangeAnd DisseminationSystemPortalOrWebsite Otherwise uncategorized resources fall here.
6. Data Services
6.1 Analysis, Access, and Visualization Service
6.2 Alerts, RSS, and Information Feeds
6.3 Catalogue Service, Metadata Collections, and Inventories
6.1 Visualization/image processing, mapping services, data access ordering, or extraction services, statistical applications, calibration/validation, assessment services, processing services, workflows,
6.2 Real-time alerts, information feeds; supports hazards planning, disasters prevention, early warning
6.3 Description of: Catalogues, archives, Data/metadata search and retrieval systems and services, data discovery systems, data delivery systems, service discovery, etc
Metadata for an EO service (e.g. WMS, WCS, WFS, WPS, WSDL) Detect and tag based on any ISO 19119 metadata record, also other metadata with a service URL ending in .wsdl suffix or containing &SERVICE= and &REQUEST= strings. GCMD "Data Analysis and Visualization"
Alerts detected as .rss or .rss.xml or Atom signature, or GCMD "Environmental Advisories"
Metadata for a remote, dynamic catalog with a catalog API for query on inventory. From CSR flag: "Catalog, Registry or Metadata Collection" and associated Service Record with CSW or search template URL or CSR string catalogRegistryOrMetadataCollection
7. Software and applications Interactive programs, downloadable software, tools, for use with EO data and services etc. All CSR entries flagged as "Software or Application" or CSR string softwareOrApplication

Basic Information

  • Resource Name*: Enter a long name or title for your GEOSS Resource
  • Abbreviation: The abbreviation of your resource
  • Description*: Enter or copy and paste a long description of the GEOSS Resource being registered (maximum length: 1024 characters.
  • GEO affiliation of the contributing organization*:

    To select a GEO affiliation of the contributing organization: select a node () from the GEO Plenary list and click "Select this GEO Affiliation" button to designate the Member or Particpating Organization offering this resource. Once a GEO affiliation of the contributing organization is selected, its name will be displayed in the "Selected Contributing Organization(s)" list. You may select more than one Member or Particpating Organization.

    To delete an selected GEO affiliation of the contributing organization: click the "Delete" button at the right of the GEO affiliation of the contributing organization name you want to delelte from the "Selected Contributing Organization(s)" list.

  • Responsible Organization: Identify the name of the organisational entity that is operating the Resource, if different than the GEO Sponsor.
  • Resource Information URL*: Human-readable resource description URL refers to the resource implementation, e.g. HTML documentation or Metadata File for the service interface.
  • Resource Interface URL: Interface URL refers to resource Interface URL used by software to invoke the resource, e.g. WSDL, OGC GetCapabilities, example data download/access URL, cgi script, or SOAP service endpoint, or other OGC service invocation, e.g. GetMap with LAYERS

Resource Contact Information

  • Contact Name*: Provide the person or position name responsible answering questions about this Resource.
  • Contact Email*: Provide an email address to which questions may be submitted regarding this Resource.

Societal Benefit Areas

  • Agriculture: This field of concern embraces all those agricultural activities, or related subjects such as grazing systems, the economic trade of agricultural products, for monitoring the global condition of food including the prevention of desertification.
  • Biodiversity: This area is meant to disseminate information related to the investigation on the genetic diversity of species and more generally on the natural resources of the different ecosystems and the services available for their conservation.
  • Climate: This area is concerned with the monitoring of the variability of climate and the consequent human adaptation to it. It therefore includes activities of understanding, assessment, mitigation of the climatic conditions of our planet.
  • Disasters: This Area is meant to increase the system of the Earth observation to protect human lives from natural hazards such as Tsunami, sea and lake ice, floods, volcanic eruptions, wildland fires etc.
  • Ecosystems: This benefit area is addressed to improve, by observing and managing, the different activities such as fishery or forestry dominating the terrestrial and hydrographical ecosystems. It is also thought to register and monitor any possible change in natural ecosystem cycles such as the carbon cycle.
  • Energy: This Societal Benefit Area is concerned with the preservation and the operations related to energetic sources, and their renewability. Some examples of subcategories for this field are: oil & gas exploration, refining and transport operations, renewable energy operations, global energy management etc.
  • Health: The Health Societal Area is meant to understand and to prevent the environmental factors related to human diseases. Some subcategories included in this, concern infectious diseases, respiratory problems, environmental stress, accidental death and injury and so forth.
  • Water: The Water topic is inherent to hydrological research, evaluation and management and the impact of humans on the water cycle. The area includes subfields of interest such as global biogeochemistry, fisheries and habitat, telecommunication and navigation, predictions etc.
  • Weather: This category provides information for nowcasting, short, long, and extended forecasts specific for each country. This would serve the purpose to prevent human lives losses in critical circumstances that are time-demanding.

Resource Availability

  • Continuously Operational
  • Intermittently Operational
  • Not Operational

Resource Sharing Properties

The Data Sharing Task Force (DSTF) desires to have the GEOSS Data Collection of Open Resources for Everyone (GEOSS Data-CORE) implemented as soon as possible in the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI). This would allow timely population of the GEOSS Data-CORE by those who had pledged contributions to it at the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) VII plenary meeting in November, 2010. Making GEOSS Data-CORE data available amounts to dealing with three different situations: 1. Registering data for GEOSS Data-CORE for the first time in the GCI, 2. Taking data already registered in the GCI and determining if it satisfies GEOSS Data-CORE. If so, the GCI registration must be modified to reflect this. 3. Handling heterogeneous catalogs, where some, but not all, contents of the catalog satisfy GEOSS Data-CORE. These heterogeneous catalogs may occur as new contributions to GEOSS, as well as existing contributions already registered in the GCI.

In order to determine if data to be provided, or already provided, to GEOSS satisfies GEOSS Data-CORE, there are some questions that need to be answered by the data providers. These questions are captured in the flowchart below. This flowchart is being recommended to become part of the Components and Services Registry (CSR) registration process.


The recommendations that the DSTF has identified for the basic implementation of the GEOSS Data-CORE in the GCI include:

  • Upon entering the Components and Services Registry (CSR) registration process, a highlighted choice will be presented for registering GEOSS Data-CORE data.
  • CSR metadata should be modified to hold certain character strings in free text searchable fields. The fields to hold these strings are recommended in the "Data Provider's Resource Registration Guide," to be provided as an output of AIP-4, however any free text searchable field will suffice. The search for these tags should be case-insensitive. The character strings to use for the tags are:
    a. geossDataCore
    b. geossUserRegistration
    c. geossAttribution
    d. geossNoMonetaryCharge
  • It is highly recommended that the data providers modify their product metadata to hold the strings listed in (2) above, according to the same field recommendations made in the "Data Provider's Resource Registration Guide." This is to support heterogeneous catalogs, as well as machine-to-machine data access and processing without human intervention. If the suggested metadata fields in the "Data Provider's Resource Registration Guide" cannot be used, then any free text searchable field will do.
  • The Clearinghouse should make sure that the fields that hold the strings in (2) above are made available to the GEO Web Portal (GWP), for user recognition, upon satisfying a search or browse query.
  • The GWP should allow GEOSS users to initiate searches and browses, at least, for GEOSS Data-CORE data and data at no monetary charge. This should be handled using appropriate mechanisms at the GWP.
  • Data providers should answer questions during registration to determine the conditions on the data and whether the data being contributed satisfies the requirements to be in the GEOSS Data-CORE. A flow chart of these questions is provided below.
  • Documentation should be generated for providers, in order to explain how to register their contributions and modify product metadata for GEOSS Data-CORE and other access and use conditions on the data, as necessary. This should be done for ISO 19115, as well as other widely used metadata standards. This should be a document that data providers access to assist them, and it should contain examples of how the metadata required is expressed for each of the metadata standards supported. This document should explain that data providers can use multiple CSR registrations to reflect data contributions that differ in access and use conditions; such as GEOSS Data-CORE vs. non-GEOSS Data-CORE contributions.
  • Documentation should be generated for users, in order to explain how to use the GWP to search and discover data according to whether the data is GEOSS Data-CORE or not, and whether the data is associated with other access and use conditions.
  • After logging in at the CSR and acknowledging that the service, portal, catalog, etc. being registered either directly, or indirectly, accesses data to be made available through the GEOSS, the data provider may be presented with a set of disclaimers. These disclaimers may deal with user registration, attribution, costs associated with data access, data access conditions, and use of data. Whether disclaimers are used, and how they are worded, is currently under study. If the use of disclaimers is recommended, this document will be amended to include their details of usage.
  • Both GEOSS providers and GEOSS users should reference the legal requirements summary document for GEOSS Data-CORE. This document, when available, will provide information related to the proper handling of the legal options for the exchange of data, metadata, and products through the GEOSS Data-CORE. This information will become part of the GEOSS tutorials for data providers and data users.

Recommended Data Registration Process for GEOSS Data-CORE and Beyond

The following flow chart expresses the actual wording of questions that the data provider needs to answer to determine whether the data being offered satisfies the requirements for being in the category of "GEOSS Data-CORE," and to indicate the metadata content needed to properly "flag" the data contribution for certain access and use conditions. There are certain terms and phrases that need defining for the data registration and data search processes. These definitions are agreed to by the DSTF, with the understanding that they are meant to be used within the GEOSS context, and are not assumed to be applicable outside of the GEOSS context. These definitions will be made available to the data provider during registration, as well as to the GEOSS user, at the GWP, during search and discovery. The current definitions are listed below, but can be changed quite easily, as deemed necessary.

  • GEOSS Data-CORE: "The GEOSS Data Collection of Open Resources for Everyone (GEOSS Data-CORE) is a distributed pool of documented datasets, contributed by the GEO community on the basis of full and open exchange (at no more than the cost of reproduction and distribution) and unrestricted access. The GEOSS Data-CORE is intended to address GEO Societal Benefit Areas. The requirement from a data provider of user registration and/or attribution of the data source should not in itself be considered a restriction."
  • Resource: "A dataset, or object allowing access to a dataset, such as a portal, catalog, service, etc."
  • User registration: "The process by which a data user registers at a data provider's site in order to gain future access to the data provided. Future access requires a login that is authenticated against the information provided during user registration."
  • Attribution: "The process of using metadata to allow data users to become aware of the source of the data being accessed and used, and to provide appropriate identification or citation."
  • Cost of reproduction and distribution: "The cost that a data provider incurs in order to make a single request for data possible. This is typically meant to cover situations where physical media are used to store the data, and postal and parcel services are used to ship and deliver the data to the recipient that had requested it. These costs are not typically meant to be used to cover data available online. Additionally, these costs are not meant to include cost recovery for creating an infrastructure that makes the data available."

Resource Geographic Extent

Service Geographic Extent is specified in EPSG:4326 (Lat/Long) CRS. The valid latitude values are from -90.0 to 90.0. The valid longitude values are from -180.0 to 180.0.

Resource Temporal Range

The temporal range of your resource to be registered.

Earth Observation Vocabulary

Select Earth Observation (EO) vocabulary term(s) to be associated with this resource. (multiple choice)

Standards/Special Arrangements

To associate a Standard or Special Arrangement: Select a Standard() or a Special Arrangement () from the Standards/Special Arrangements list, then click "Associate Classification Information Standard or Special Arrangement" or "Associate Supportive Information Standard or Special Arrangement" button to associate it with the Resource to be registered.

To register a new Standard or Special Arrangement: Select a a high-level Classification or Supportive Informaiton Node () from the Standards/Special Arrangements list, then click "Register Classification Information Standard or Special Arrangement" or "Register Supportive Information Standard or Special Arrangement" button to register a new Standard or Special Arrangement whose primary category is the selected Taxonomy. The newly registered Standard or Special Arrangement will be associated with the Resource to be registered automatically.

All the standards and special arrangements are maintained by the GEOSS Standards Registry System (SIR). Component and Service Registry (CSR) dynamically synchronizes with SIR to pull standards and special arrangements entries and presents them here.

Please notice that some of the standards or special arrangements have been marked as "PENDING", which means they are under review by SIF, but may still be chosen.

Non-secure search

The users do not need to log in for non-secure search. The non-approved resources will not be returned.

Access Link:

Secured search

The users need to log in for secured search. The non-approved resources also will be returned.

Access Link: (Login required)

Modify resource

  • Login to CSR
  • Click the [Resource Management] link in the GEOSS Registry Publication Portal page.
  • For the resource to be modified, click the [Modify] link.
  • The information about your resouce will be populated in the directed web page, modify any item. Then click the [Modify the Resouce] Button at the bottom.

Delete resource

  • Login to CSR
  • Click the [Resource Management] link in the GEOSS Registry Publication Portal page.
  • For the resource to be modified, click the [Delete] link.
  • A window with "Delete Resource (you_resource_name)" will be popped out, click [OK] button to delete.

Resource Approval Introduction

All the resource has to be approved before exposing to GEOSS Clearinghouse and general users.

GEOSS CSR Record Review Working Group

GEOSS CSR Record Review Working Group is in charge of reviewing the registered resource with approval request. Email exchange may be required for some information about the resource to be approved.

Request for Approval

After you filled out the form in "GEOSS Resource Registration" page, you can check the box "Also send out a "Request for Approval" notice to the GEOSS CSR Record Review Working Group" at the bottom.